The Altar Servers Association

“Alter Server” name comes from the Latin word “ministrare” means ‘’to serve’’. Their role is recognized by the Conciliar Constitution as an integral part of the liturgy office, and as such demands, conduct and behavior from those who serve that is in keeping with its obligations. St. Mary’s Parish is giving a solemn concentration towards developing liturgically trained Alter Servers and they are selected from the Sunday school of the children those who have received the Holy Communion Sacrament.

Despite serving at the services, they are expected to live by following His example of love, generosity, commitment and precision Alt. Alter Servers of St. Mary’s Church, Bambalapitiya are a team of enthusiastic and energetic team. They are enthusiastic and are willing to take part in the activities of the Church by offering their contributions of love and devotion.

Our blessed servers of 2020/2021 are follows.

Ajesh Jayawickrame Jamie Abeyartne
M A Don Gokitha Amil Jesse Riyon Silva
Vehan Jasenthuliyana Ethan Anikvan Peter
Romuald Peter Fonseka James Nethan Chelliah
Andre Fonseka Angelo Shalinka Ranasinghe
Nethanil Jayasundera K D Dushyanak Rehanka Jacob Wijesinghe
Kisal Aveesha Herath Emman
G Tharul Ranaka Dabarera Sean Ranuth Seneviratne
Shiven Perera Yadav Sathesh Kumar
Gabriel Anthony Gunther Ludawyke Tidiane Paulpillai
Dihain De Silva Dillon Jayamaha
Randil Henry Denam Cruise
James Gabriel Treshan Motha

Our Young alter servers are headed by Levin Dharmawardene and Yeshan Perera under the guidance of the parish priest.

Want to become a server? Please contact Levin (0719663344) or Yeshan (76 887 5288)